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Cast-to-Guest Pin Trading Returns at Walt Disney World

Get ready, Disney pin traders! We know you have been waiting for even more ways to trade Disney pins, and starting now, you can once again trade with cast members using lanyards and packs across all of Walt Disney World.  

Did you know there are Disney pins that are exclusive for cast member trading for a limited time? It’s true! Eagle-eyed guests may find pins from new Hidden Disney pin sets while trading across Walt Disney World. Each set contains five standard and uniquely themed designs.  

Later this year, a retail mystery pouch will be available with the original five pins, plus a sixth pin in each set — known as a “chaser” pin. For those who love an even bigger challenge, within the retail mystery pouch there will be a NEW element this year with the introduction of a “super chaser” pin in one particular set — an even rarer find! 

Happy trading, everyone!

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Mitchell Klepac